Thursday, May 21, 2015

Resistance: Fall Of Man

Title: Resistance Fall Of Man
Platform: PS3
Developer(s): Insomniacgames
Release Date: 13. November 2006
Genre(s): FPS
Online/Single player: Online/Offline
Rating: 4.5/5

Join Sergeant Nathan Hale and his crew of human resistance forces, as they are striving to stop a mysterious alien-like invasion that takes place in Britain, year 1951 in an alternate history. What made this game so popular was not the fact that they managed to create a such good First Person Shooter, because honestly, if you took a couple of steps away from your Television and look at the game from a far, this game could easily be mistaken as a Call Of Duty game. But thats not it. The storyline, graphics, amazing voice actors, original weapons is what made it so special. Remember, this was one of the first games ever created for our beloved console PS3, isnt that just an amazing start for an awesome console?

In Resistance: Fall of Man you can play both custom games, like Call of Duty where you enter a small map together with some friends, or the campaign mode, which in my opinion is far better and more interesting than the custom map. Dont mistake me, the custom game, making it possible to fight each other with badass weapons is all good but nothing beats a well developed story. However, I will write something about both of them.

In custom mode you get to play with your friends, and just like in Call of Duty you are summoned on a small map where the only goal is to brutally murder each other until one of the players eventually gain enough kills to see the dramatic slow motion effect, while the victory text appears on the screen. You can also choose between various of modes, like the good old capture the flag, death match and team death match. Every one of them should not be too hard to understand the goal of, and therefor i am not going to write much about them.

I always loved the custom mode. Killing your friends with amazing future-looking weapons is always fun and is a cool feature to the game. There is also a bunch of maps that you can choose between, and every single one of them are well developed, and its pretty hard to get tired of them, unlike some other maps we know. Yes "Rust" i am talking about you. Some of the maps may seem too big for a match between four poor souls, but dont you worry, because there is also another feature that allows you to choose between the bigger or the smaller version of one map.

One thing I know a lot of people are getting mad at, that including me is that there is too much unbalance between the weapons, some of the weapons are op, while some of them are so weak that you will have to reload the gun a several times before you actually manage to kill the enemy, by this time he has probably regenerated his HP back and is ready to come with a counter-attack against you, this often ends up with having to flee away like a pussy, or getting killed because you managed to use all of your bullets trying to spray down the enemy.

Overall i think custom game is amazing, and well developed.. Just like the rest of the game. God this game is good, are you sure it was made in 2006?

If you play multiplayer you will experience the same thing, just this time with up to 40 fellow players.

In 1941, an alien-like race called the Chimera spread throughout the Europe, originated in Russia. The creatures mutate the humans virally by mutating them into fellow Chimera breeds. Who would ever guess. Their massive infection rate made the virus spread fast through Russia and Europe. Now they are heading for Britain, by digging tunnels underneath and invade United Kingdom. Their technology is far better than ours and makes them a hard target with their OP guns filled with energy and lasers.

In 1951 the game finally begins, as the protagonist Sergeant Nathan Hale, together with an elite force from the United States is on a mission to retrieve a secret weapon that the British claim can be used against the Chimera in exchange of supplies. However, this is not an easy task. Once he and his crew lands on York, the forces are ambushed by the Chimera. Once the forces die, their dead bodies are getting attacked by small insect-like creatures that infects all of the soldiers. Hale is the only one to survive this massive attack. He resists the full attack of these creatures and does not go into a coma, but rather gains extra strength, heath regeneration, and gold-colored irises, much like the Chimera themselves, thus the name Resistance: Fall of Man. And so Hale continues on his mission. The rest of the plot is only to be experienced by those who actually play the game.

There is a ton of weapons in this game.
Some of them are based on guns from the 1950´s while some of them are alien-looking guns, created by the Chimera themselves.
There are also a couple of Grenades.
The first one is just an original frag grenade, while the two others are far more advanced, one of them doesnt explode, but instead fills a minor area with gass which eventually takes fire. The most amazing Fire grenade i have ever seen. The third one is a spike grenade, which kind of explodes, but instead of a explosion it sends out spikes that deals massive damage.


                                          Gameplay: - WillieBiscuits

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