Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Idle Raiders

Game Details:

Title: Idle Raiders
Platform: Pc
Developer(s): Pitforest
Release Date: May. 2015
Genre(s): Idle, RPG, Pixel
Online/Single player: Offline
Rating: 4/5


The first thing you will see when you join the game is a screen where you can see a bunch of buttons in the top, and some information about your Raiders on the left side of the screen. You start with one Raider, level 1. He is standing in the base, waiting for you to click the "Go farming" button. When you click this button, your Raider will walk down the map and enter the first map, which is the only map you have, so far. Now you click the "View Farm" map which will make it possible for you to actually see your Raider, as he brutally kills his enemies. For every monster he kills, you will see that you slowly begin to gain xp and gold, which you can see on the right side of the screen. You can use the xp to level up your raider, and you can use your gold to buy new Raiders. So far you can only have 10 Raiders. After you have killed a couple of monsters, you can click the + mark, spotted right under the "current farm map" text at the top of the screen. This is basically what you do, level up all your Raiders, buy more Raiders and level them up as well. I highly suggest you to buy all 10 Raiders and then start leveling them equally, as this seems more effective to me. When you have gained some levels, you should be ready for next step. The Raid simulator2000. This is a really cool feature to the game. You click the Raid button and start Raiding the crap out of the bosses. When you have completed a Raid, you will gain one item. From the first Raid this should be a sword. Use this sword and equip it on one of your Raiders to make them become stronger. However, you cannot just spam the Raid map whenever you want to, its actually added a cooldown to it, which i think is just amazing. After you have played the game for a while, the shopkeeper will eventually visit your base. You can buy lots of cool items from him. This is everything you need to know about the gameplay, so far. This game is still in its alpha, so there isnt really been added many features yet. But Pitforest has promised that he will eventually add new things, like the possibility to expand your base, have workers that gains resources for you, and much more.

The shopkeeper is a NPC that spawns inside your base from time to time, however he wont always be there, so you should take this in consideration and start spending some gold before he leaves again. 

There is currently only 10 possible Raiders at the moment. You start with one sword man. When you have bought 10 Raiders, you should have ended up with 4 swordsmen, 3 rangers, and 3 mages. 

Latest Updates:

2 Days ago: "Version alpha 0.2b uploaded. Rebalanced XP curve, improved item drop rates in the farm maps, and other things. Details in the developer log!" - Pitforest

Fully developer can be found here.

If you are bored and has nothing else to do with your life but staring at your roof all day, i highly suggest you to try this game.

Play Now


  1. Hey, just found this on Google. I think... you are the first ever person to make an official review of our game :D Congrats and thanks a lot!!

    1. Hello! Thank you for reading :)
      I make reviews of games that i think deserve it the most, your game "Idle Raiders" is just amazing and i cant wait for the game to be fully completed. Good luck on your developing and i hope to see you here again sometime :D
