Platform: MS-DOS, Xbox 360, Macinstosh, Playstation 3
Developer(s): DivineGames
Release Date:
Genre(s): First Person Shooter
Online/Single player: Offline, Online
Rating: 5/5
After the demons finds their way to Earth, you once more have to stop them, this time from destroying your planet. The campaign is really long, it takes 23 minutes to just speed run, and if you want a perfect score you have to eliminate everything. That can take quite some time. The game has six difficulties, and have some funny names, The easiest one is named "I'm too young to die!"and the hardest is called "Nightmare"
Since the campaign can be extremely difficult, it will help you alot if you play in coop, and has a companion to back you up.
Doom II has a large variety of weaponry that are both original and powerful. Starting weapons are the brass knuckles and the pistol. Most commonly used is the pump action shotgun, which is known for now having to aim at opponents, as the bullets "find their way" themselves. Of course, the pump action shotgun isn't enough, so they also added in the Super Shotgun. This gun fires two shells at the same time, doubling the damage, and the reload speed is increased. Next is the minigun. The minigun is basically a huge machinegun that can easily mow down hordes in the matter of seconds. If you are up against stronger enemies, the minigun can stun them and keep shooting them until they die. The Rocket Launcher can store up to fifty rockets, and fire all of them semi-automatically, without the need to reload. Be careful, the rockets can damage and/or kill you if they explode too close to you.
Then there is the chainsaw. The chainsaw is really powerful against individual opponents, as it can stun the enemies while damaging them, just like the minigun. The chainsaw doesn't require ammunition, and is therefore a permanent melee weapon, if you can obtain it.
And then, my personal favorite, the BIG FUCKING GUN 9000, or the BFG-9000 for short. The Big Fucking Gun is the most powerful weapon in Doom, and can completely obliterate even bosses with two simple shots. The shots also radiates over larger areas, so it can clear out entire armies at once, giving it the nickname - The Room Sweeper. Of course, a weapon this powerful is given extremely limited ammo, so only use it when you need it.
The monsters in doom 2 are very original, and they are extremely fun to kill, as they all blast into gory pieces with their insides all over the floor. A couple of them are the demons, the cacodemons, the faunas etc etc... The demons are melee fighters that run into you and try to eat you. They are weak individually but in numbers they are fearsome, and if you are in a tight spot then there is no escape. The Cacodemons are big flying head that shoots fireballs at you. The minigun is very effective against them. The faunas as I've dubbed them is a half man half goat thing that fires green fireballs at you, and these fireballs deal way more damage than the Cacodemons.
The player
The player is with no doubt badass, but he hasn't really been given an official name. Most people just call him Doomguy.
The multiplayer in this game is really fun. The huge variations of weapons you can use, and with the speed you can run, its a competition of who has the best accuracy and fastest reactions.
This game is incredible. Though it is a bit outdated, it is among the best FPS games I've played, right next to Halo.