Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Brave Frontier

Game Details:

Title: Brave Frontier
Platform: Pc, Mobile
Developer(s): Alim, Gumi
Release Date: December 13, 2013
Genre(s): RPG
Online/Single player: Online
Rating: 5/5

Story: You are set in a post-apocalyptic world known as Grand Gaia, which occured after the great Human-God war. The war destroyed most humans, and the gods are still trying to track down the last remaining humans and bring them to extinction. This is where you come in. You are summoned by god Lucius, who seeks to stop the gods wrath. Through the guide of Goddess Tillith, you need to defeat the Four Fallen Gods. In order to do this, you must revive and summon the souls of the strongest human warriors that fell during the war.

Starting Units
Gameplay: When you first enter Grand Gaia, you must choose your first warrior that will aid you in the battle. You get to choose between Fencer Vargas(fire), Warrior Eze(thunder), Selena(water), and Lance(earth). These are only four of the 400 currently available units out there.

The game is balanced with elements. Some elements have advantages over others, like fire is strong against earth but weak against water etc. There are two other elements you don't get to choose at the beginning, which is Light and Dark. These two deal more damage to each other, but are neutral to all the other elements.
The chart to the right shows what element is stronger against what element.

When you enter quest mode you play the campaign. Through this mode you can gain more units to add to your squad. You can also play Arena mode, which sets you against other players and give you rewards if you rank up, and Vortex mode in which you can gain more powerful units than you can gain with quest. 

Fusion and Evolution
However, even if you start with one of the game's strongest units, they are still weak in the beginning. In order to make them stronger, you must fuse them with other Units. The Metal units are most effective for this, and can mostly be gained through Metal Parades. After you have maxed out a unit, you will be able to Evolve them. In order to do this you need the right     amount of Zel(money) and Material Units. After evolving them, their levels will be reset, but they get stronger faster and can be leveled up much more. (Evolving will also give them cool nicknames and appearances)

Some units have Leaderskills. In the squad management, you can assign one unit to be the leader of the given squad. There are lots of different skills, for example Angel Ronel can nullify all ailments to your units, and any of the Six Heroes(Vargas, Eze, Selena, Lance, Magress, Atro) gives a certain amount of health and damage to your units, depending on their evolvements.

There are so many more things to explain in this game like ailments, spheres, types, backstories, so I think I will leave it here, and let you explore the world of Grand Gaia yourself. It's really a great game, and I highly advise you to try it out.
If there are still things you want to know, you can check out their wiki http://bravefrontierglobal.wikia.com/wiki/Brave_Frontier_Wiki

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